Offences Against Children


Charged With Assault in Ontario Assault is defined in the Criminal Code as the intentional application of force to another person without their consent.  Assault can also be an attempt or threat to apply force (threat of an assault) that the alleged victim reasonably believes will be carried out.  To be accused of the more serious offence of assault causing bodily harm, a police officer must have reasonable grounds to believe that an assault has occurred,

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Criminal Negligence

What Is Criminal Negligence? The crimes of criminal negligence causing bodily harm, or criminal negligence causing death, or causing death by criminal negligence while street racing, or causing bodily harm by criminal negligence while street racing, refer to acting irresponsibly without caution, to put others at risk of injury or death, or failing to do something to prevent the same circumstances from happening. This can occur both in public (as with: child endangerment, while driving,

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Kidnapping / Forcible Confinement

Kidnapping & Forcible Confinement Defence Lawyer in Toronto Kidnapping is generally defined as the taking of someone against their will to another location. In some cases, the victim may have been forced, threatened or intimidated into the kidnapping and held by force or violence. In the case of a child, they have been coerced or lured away from the custodial parent or guardian. Holding someone against their will is considered forcible confinement. Kidnapping may be

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Sexual Interference with a Minor

Sexual Offences against persons under the age of 16 or 18, Sexual Interference, Invitation to Sexual Touching, and Sexual Exploitation The offences of Sexual Interference, Invitation to Sexual Touching, and Sexual Exploitation involve touching for a sexual purpose in relation to a person under the age of 16 (sexual interference and invitation to sexual touching), or in relation to a person age 16 or 17 (sexual exploitation). Thus, the age of consent is now 16

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